so, i shall be giving of some portions or parts that you will see in this blog soon.

- reviews of some makeup cosmetics that can be requested or either me doing it on my own free will.
- some tips and how to's on makeup.
- I can also make a fashion segment, being fun, fresh, and chic!
- Some DIY masks and scrubs
- And if i get lucky, or have the right equipment, i can make a makeup tutorial for everyone out there! :]
- I can make a haul on all the makeup I have

So I shall be updating, maybe about once a week or twice is great. Or maybe MWF, what do you think is nice? And I would be glad to do some request of other people and the such, and also if you own a makeup line, i would be glad to check it out and hopefully buy from you and give a review based on my thoughts. Just comment me on this blog or on the main comment box thing. Or messaging me would be nice. :]
I'm new so please be kind to me! There shall be a new blog coming up, so stay tuned! ;]
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